Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5

A pretty relaxing weekend all considered.

Went to the town fireworks on Friday night. That was terrific! Eric dusted off the portable grill and we took it and met some of his friends in front of city hall. Dad also joined us. Mom was not feeling well. There were inflatables for the kids and face painting. Very nice. Dad took the kids to the inflatables and they had a good time. It was much cooler than last year though still warm.

However Saturday I decided to have a 24 hour stomach flu. Mom had it too, Dad thinks it might have been the restaurant Mom and I ate at for lunch on Thursday, the lettuce. Don't know. I feel tons better today though. So I didn't get to walk Sat or today. Start back tomorrow.

One of my old school friends had a tragedy this past week. I have known him since grade school. His wife had a major heartache and passed away. She was 35. He is a Methodist minister and will be officiating her service. They have 3 small children. I just can't imagine the pain, shock, sadness. The children are so young, I look at mine and wonder what would happen if I were to pass. Would they remember me? He just had finished his time at his current church and they were I suppose moving to a different church. How will he cope? He will of course, but what a painful life milestone.

Starting a new week this week. Prayers to everyone for a terrific start!


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