Monday, July 13, 2009

a meal w/o rice

The earth must have opened up because I made a meal with no starch (aka rice or potatoes or pasta). It was great. Stir fried squash, onion, garlic, green bell pepper, carrots (all Full Moon) added some leftover cut up chicken burger from Gini's B-day and a breast from that Friday night with 1/2 tablespoon of peanut butter, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and soy sauce. It was filling and delicious. I didn't even miss the rice.

Gini wants to shower. bye!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Got my veggie box from Full Moon! Lunch was Full Moon tomato/"LEMON cucumber" salad. Oh dinner was so good tonight. Grilled chicken with a McCormick garlic herb seasoning, grilled Full Moon corn, Full Moon parsleyed buttered boiled red potatoes, Full Moon cucumber/tomato salad with oil/vinegar dressing. HEAVEN on a plate. The only things not Full Moon grown: the chicken, the butter, the oil/vinegar, and seasonings. Next up is cooking those beautiful delicate carrots tomorrow.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

More from the front

Food Poisoning it is not! Yesterday while I was on my walk, Gavin got sick and threw up and then the other later in the evening. So that is someone getting sick every other day since Saturday. Benji and Eric are next. Gavin though seems to be better today (no vomiting or other) although he went down for a nap at 1:30ish and it is 4:15 and he is still asleep.

Had to cut my walk short about 15 minutes last night. I'm doing very well. In the past 18 days I've walked approximately 3 miles a day for 16 of those 18. 16x3 is 48 miles. Wow, no wonder my shoes are looking worn on the bottom (they weren't new when I started). It takes me around an hour to walk around 3.5 miles. I can't wait until my 20 minute mile goes down to a 15 minute mile the a 10 minute mile. Watch out world!

Having to walk or do any exercise indoor or outdoor is extremely difficult with my children because ALWAYS about 20 minutes into it (when my heart rate is getting good and going) they ALWAYS have a catastrophe of some sort making it very difficult to get a good workout in.

Hopefully I will be able to walk without babysitting them tonight. Of course it's going to be sooo humid out. But I'll make it.

VBS has been this week. It's been fun for the boys. I'm glad Benji teared up on Sunday night and forced me to get them there. I will have to miss my Friday pickup for my veggies though because I've got to get the boy's haircuts and VBS show is Friday night so there is no time as of now. Things might change though. Plus I have to make dessert for Friday night and a cake for Saturday. And pack the boys for their vacation by Saturday night. Busy Busy Busy.

Yesterday was not good.

Monday, July 6, 2009

hello Monday

Well, the "food poisoning"I don't think was food poisoning as Gini is now sick. I got to work at 8 and my phone was not charged. At 8:30 my mom got a hold of me and said my daycare provider called to say Gini had thrown up 3 times and to come get her.

I plugged my phone in to charge and I had received a VM from daycare saying she had done this between 8 and 8:20. So I had to turn right around after tying up a couple of loose ends at work and retrieve Gini from mom.

Last night it had been decided that the boys WOULD attend VBS this year (the oldest teared up when I said we wouldn't be going this year). So Mom was supposed to only pick up the boys and drop them off and go home to rest more from her stomach flu. Poor thing had then also to pick up Gini, take her to my house, rinse her off, then go register the boys. I felt so bad for her. I work an hour away. I so appreciate what she did for us today.

Gini is asleep now. Hopefully that will help her.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5

A pretty relaxing weekend all considered.

Went to the town fireworks on Friday night. That was terrific! Eric dusted off the portable grill and we took it and met some of his friends in front of city hall. Dad also joined us. Mom was not feeling well. There were inflatables for the kids and face painting. Very nice. Dad took the kids to the inflatables and they had a good time. It was much cooler than last year though still warm.

However Saturday I decided to have a 24 hour stomach flu. Mom had it too, Dad thinks it might have been the restaurant Mom and I ate at for lunch on Thursday, the lettuce. Don't know. I feel tons better today though. So I didn't get to walk Sat or today. Start back tomorrow.

One of my old school friends had a tragedy this past week. I have known him since grade school. His wife had a major heartache and passed away. She was 35. He is a Methodist minister and will be officiating her service. They have 3 small children. I just can't imagine the pain, shock, sadness. The children are so young, I look at mine and wonder what would happen if I were to pass. Would they remember me? He just had finished his time at his current church and they were I suppose moving to a different church. How will he cope? He will of course, but what a painful life milestone.

Starting a new week this week. Prayers to everyone for a terrific start!


Thursday, July 2, 2009


Where has the summer gone? It is July. My June has been a whirlwind of classes for my oldest son, exterior home renovations, family and friend visits and Athens trips. I can only hope July will settle down a bit. We will be missing VBS this year, after June I just can't do it. The boys will be going on 2 vacations: 1 with grandparents and I will be joining them mid-week with the princess. Hubby is staying home to continue with the exterior renovations. Then a week home and our bunch will be going to the beach! I am soooo excited!! Then a week at home then school starts. BOOHOO. My babies are growing up just way too fast. I don't feel like I have spent nearly enough time with them this summer. Which is terrible because the middle starts kindergarten and I am going to miss him so.

I have started back to power walking since my life has gotten back to a more normal state. I also broke my baby toe about 6 months ago and that is the hardest thing to heal to the point where you want to put tennis shoes on and excerise. I wore 3.5 inch heels yesterday to work for the first time since the break and by the end of the day I couldn't get my foot back into the shoe. So hopefully that will change because I love my high heels.

I measured my walk route and it's somewhere between 3 and 3 1/2 miles through my neighborhood. So I've been doing that everyday since Father's Day. We'll see what happens.

I need to add pictures to this, but my pictures must be too big because it takes forever to do anything.

Fourth of July plans? Not much I hope. There is a housewarming family gathering in Athens on Sat. but I don't know this cousin that well, and it's the 4th and i don't want to drive too much.

The boys, mom and I went out to our family's land in Athens several weeks ago with a metal detector. Found lots of treasure. My great grandfather had built a house and it unfortunately burned down. With the metal detector, we have found a horses bit, pieces of their iron stove, canning tops, even a dinner knife with the tip broken off, hand forged chain, parts of tools, parts of door hinges and locks. Very cool. I guess I should take a picture of it and post it. It's at my mom's so maybe next time I'm over there will.

That's all for now. Need to play with boys and get dinner started. Karate starts at 5:30.

Blessings to you!