Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy October!

It's the beginning of October. My best friend's birthday month. It's a great month! Happy Birthday Christi all of October!

I'm saying it here because as I would mention it on FaceBook, right now FB is not my friend. I thought it was just a FireFox problem but I tried Explorer too and the same mess happened. I refresh and refresh and refresh and nothing ever happens except gobbledy goop. Folks that I have hidden are popping up in my status updates. Yes I hide a few of you. But don't worry I do check on you from time to time to see if everything is going smoothly. I don't get the inbox, I can't search my friends, I can't see other folks friends. Status updates that I know I saw yesterday are not there today. FB needs to get its act TOGETHER before there is a revolt.

On to bigger things. I made my first batch of soap on Thursday. YEA for me. It is lavender fragranced. My mother says it needs more fragrance and I am agreeing. She says it smells like a castille soap with a tiny bit of lavender. But it was my first and the local natural food shop was selling it for 10.99 a .5 oz bottle. So it was rather pricey. I just couldn't help myself so the family is not waiting for it to cure the 4 weeks and we are using it now. It's really cool! I'm testing it as face soap and hair shampoo to see what it does. It might be a little rough for the face but I haven't broke out or don't have burns yet! If I do a face bar and hair bar I will need to reformulate and add a few more moisturizing oils. But I am now waffling on my first "business" purchase of fragrances. I just need to do it. I already have a tribute soap to my grandmother. She will think it's great once I get it together. No, I'm not telling you what it is. Trade secret. You will have to check back later. I've asked my kids what fragrances they would like named after them. I've got one down. Sort of an ode to a candy bar. The other two I've got to pin down now.

Also, I'm unsure about the colorants to use. I have several bars from another soap maker that have colors (all natural I guess) but I don't like the way they bleed from the soap after use (especially the orange) but then if I don't use colorants how will I make my soaps unique from one another? Then some of the ideas there are no economical ways to produce a "natural" color such as a blueberry blue. Decisions decisions.

Anyway life is good.

Good night