Saturday, November 22, 2008

What's for dinner?

I hate trying to figure out what's for dinner. Especially when I don't want to cook. But then I don't want to spend the time or money getting fast food, especially when my kids don't really eat it they just like the allure of "going to get fast food".

I think I am headed for the good ole mac & cheese route. Not even homemade as it is almost 6 and they will become ravenous heathens by then. Kraft will be our dinner.

Usually I am this lazy when Eric is out on a gig. Tonight I am especially lazy because the boys were at a lockin where they take karate and they have been bears today. The 5 year old didn't sleep a wink! I wouldn't have guessed that. From 7 pm to 7 am he was up. And actually it was 4pm to 7 am since that is when he got up from his nap. The 7 year old was a bit wiser and got some sleep but not enough.

One good thing about the lockin: Benjamin has been begging for the Guitar Hero game for Wii. He finally got to play it last night and was totally bored. Now he doesn't want it. This is great because it looks so boring to me. Same with the Wii music. To "air" everything is such a waste of time. Air guitar, air piano, air drums. good grief!!

I don't know about this blog thing. I don't see that my life is all that interesting and I have no clue if anyone is out there. That's why I haven't really written anything yet.

I will say that I surely hope our nation pulls itself up out of this mess we are in. It just infuriates me that the government is trying to bypass the natural checks and balances of a free market. Now the government is a business partner in insurance no less! Government was not created to own any business. It GOVERNS not owns! Let the companies go into bankruptcy, some enterprising small young businesses out there will come in, modify every aspect and then there will be an even better product out there for the consumer to buy. If you want to see how well government does will healthcare take a look at how well all the VA hospitals are run. Hmmmm.. And people want the government to even put a toe into our personal healthcare?

Politics: I did not vote for Obama. I voted against Obama to the best person I thought could win, McCain. I did not want to throw away my vote to a candidate who I would like to win but knew who had no shot. I don't like what I have heard Obama say. I don't like Michelle Obama. I don't like Obama's associations. If Obama can not help his district in Chicago to become better how can he help the country be better. However with all that said, the electorates chose to elect him (notice I did not say the people because the US is not a democracy (rule of the masses), it is a democratic republic) and I hope he will be able to lead us through our next 4 years with limited government, less socialism and less governmental spending.

Oh an update: finally it has been determined that Gavin does not have allergies to milk. YEAH!!!!! So the doctor said he has chronic uticaria. Hives with no explanation. They will go away some day. And actually they have been less and less. So that is great news. He is allergic to dustmites, dogs, cats, oak trees (I'm assuming the pollen), cockroaches and mice. The allergy tests were not nice. They made him lie on his tummy and wrote 6 letters on his back. Then they took 6 plastic somethings that had 8 points each that had been dipped in allergens and stuck his back at the 6 different letters. 48 scratches or pricks! After that the doctor came back (late after most of the welts had disappeared) and told the nurse to stick him 7 more times in the arm with more specific allergens! It took me, the nurse and another nurse to hold him still. He was not a happy camper and screamed holy terror. Of course this made me cry along with him. It wasn't a good time. But at least we know to get rid of the roach collection, cut down the oak trees, and dust every minute of every day. Good times!